We Are AC Service Specialists

When You Call Sun State HVAC You Get ...

At Your Service
Air Conditioning & Heating Experts
Never Plumbers in Disguise

What About Claims Like...
NO EXTRA CHARGE for Nights, After Hours, Holidays and Overtime?

Companies that advertise no extra charges for weekends and holidays do so because they charge Overtime Rates ALL THE TIME!

Companies like this come to your home and say they’re going to repair your AC, but because they’re actually plumbers masquerading as AC Repair Services technicians they’ll look at the unit, tell you it’s junk and needs to be replaced.  They will do their best to talk you into purchasing a new one and add some bells and whistles to boot. Then if all else fails they’ll charge you big time to repair your system.

Why Do They Do This?
There are two main reasons:

1. PLUMBERS are unable to repair technically complicated equipment like Air Conditioning Systems so they’ll tell you they need parts and then either send a different technician if they’re unable to talk you into purchasing a new one.

2. These companies finance their substantial advertising budgets by selling new air conditioning units. This strategy enables them to become a familiar name in households, ensuring that customers think of them first when in need. Part of this financial strategy includes high paid sales teams and the purchasing of high-end Mercedes Benz service vehicles each with a base cost of over $100,000 each. 

Why Can’t a Plumber Fix My AC?
A true Plumber is qualified in a narrow specialized field of Sewer Repair and Water Line Plumbing. 
They are very qualified to do things like:

1. Clear clogged drains
2. Install & repair toilets, sinks
3. Repair sewer pipes
4. Replace water heaters.
5. Install hot water return pumps and lines. 
Almost none of the items a plumber is trained to repair, install or service have anything to do with complicated electrical systems at all.

Can an Electrician Repair My AC?
An Electrician is trained to run electrical wiring to and throughout your home including things like:

1. Lighting
2. Fans
3. Electric Stoves & Dryers
4. They can even provide wiring feed circuits for a newly installed HVAC system.
But Electricians are NOT trained to diagnose problems with complicated electrical system schematics.
They can Install pretty much anything that runs on electricity but they can not start and check or repair HVAC or Heating systems.

Why Are HVAC Specialist Different?
On the other hand, AC and Heating Repair has more than one complicated electrical system at two or more different voltages, not only AC but also DC both high and low voltages that incorporate the use of electronic monitoring systems that include safety controls and factors that must be understood to be confirmed safe. 

These systems are symmetrically interwoven with gas pressure systems that may be volatile and can cause carbon dioxide / co2 poisoning that must be knowledgeably checked for safety. 

  • Electricians understanding of electric systems end where the plug enters the box. 

Some systems also have flammable gas used for heating; even the Freon itself can be flammable and toxic!  All of these systems must be properly monitored and checked on a yearly basis to rule out possible poisonous carbon monoxide gas leakage and other potentially hazardous conditions.

The electrical systems must be checked in several ways e.g. high voltage connections that may be heating up, and electrical safety switches need to be checked to keep the occupants as safe as possible.

For instance, diagnostically reading Freon pressure gauges and determining whether the relationship between the high and low sides of a system are within correct ranges, or not, according enthalpy which must take into consideration a good amount of physics coupled with atmospheric temperature and pressure measurements.

At the same time comparing those relationships to outdoor and indoor ambient temperatures, coupled with sub-cooling, super-heat, relative humidity, static pressures, indoor and outdoor splits temperatures, duct leaks, static duct pressures and we haven’t even mentioned anything electrical yet, the how’s, where’s, when’s and why’s go on and on.

The Bottom line is, there are a lot of complicated system checks that need to be expertly performed on any AC and Heating system before that system can be safely placed in use for a customer.  These are things a plumbers, electricians, painters, water filter experts, even business owners themselves generally do not do.

So Be smart! If you need a plumber then call a plumber, but if you need an Air Conditioning Specialist look for and search out a seasoned local AC and Repair – Air Conditioning Company preferably owned by a Native Phoenix Veteran like Sun State HVAC, who is hands down the #1 Best AC Repair Services Specialists companies around.

When Googling Air Conditioning Repair near me if you find at Sun State HVAC you will have found the very Best HVAC Service company in Phoenix AZ.  Sun State HVAC can actually figure out whats wrong with your system and DO THE RIGHT THING to make it purr like a kitten again or give you right advise to replace the unit if repair is going to cost you more than a replacement over the next 5 years of operation.

Sun State HVAC is “Where Honesty Rules!” and offer proper and honest AC and Heating Repair Services.  We know how to make your Air Conditioning System blow ice cold in the summer and nice and toasty in the winter again!

But whatever you do… do not call a company that sends out plumbers disguised as AC Repair technicians!

So the next time you say to yourself, I need to find a good Heating and Air Conditioning Repair company near me.

Weather you need a Heating Tune Up, AC Tune Up, HVAC Maintenance on your Central Air Conditioner to Perform AC Repair Services, Heating Repair Services or to provide a fresh new AC Replacement of your Existing system, or if you own a Restaurant requiring Refrigeration Repair Services, Refrigeration Maintenance or other HVAC-R Air Conditioning and Refrigeration needs, be sure to choose a reputable company like Sun State HVAC who never has and never will hire plumbers or have plumbing services on their trucks – because we do one thing and we do it right – and you will be miles ahead of your neighbors with your AC Repair and Heating Services needs!  (602) 867-9480</span;>

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