Cluster of four AC condensing units on the outside ground of a nice home during an AC Tune Up.

Fast Automated U-Schedule-It

Info & Help Page

Receive email & text reminders with U-Schedule-It
and no longer worry about having to remember
yet another appointment!


Anime image of a female phone answering office personnel.

6 Reasons to use Automated Scheduling

  • It’s Simple
    Just answer a few short questions like Name, Address, Phone, etc to help us provide excellent and expedient service.

    Don’t worry about making any mistakes –
    you can restart anytime and no appointments are actually made until they are 1st verified by the system, you and our office.
  • It’s Convenient
    Requesting service is at the tips of your fingers using your own cell phone.
    There’s no need to dial a number
    No waiting for someone to answer or call you back.
    – It’s all Automated and completed in just a couple minutes or less.
  • It Saves You Time
    Setting up a Service Request using this method will save you a lot of time because the nature of phone calls simply uses more time than just clicking a few times to do essentially the same thing but in about 1/10th the time. Also, you not only benefit by saving time but you will also receive email and text reminders from the automated system about the scheduled request.  This way you will not have to worry about forgetting yet another appointment during your busy day.
  • It’s Fast 
    Most questions are easy to answer drop-down-box multiple choice.  Just click the answer that fits your situation.
  • It’s Reliable
    We have tested Our Automated System over a period of months before implementation and found it to be remarkably Stable. Notwithstanding, it is impossible for any live-time computerized system to be 100% fail-proof.  Because of the nature of Internet connections, all computer systems fail occasionally, therefore we have incorporated certain check-points in this process designed to uncover breaks in connection and flow beyond our control.
  • It’s Worry-Free!
    Please understand – Nothing can go wrong because everything is verified before the actual appointment is ever scheduled. If for any reason after setting up an Automated Service Request you decide you want to cancel, simply call or email us at the contact info below, we’ll quickly cancel the request and you’ll also receive a cancellation email confirmation.  Canceling is as simple as that.


Example form for U-Schedule-it on Sun State HVAC help page

On the form (shown above) uou start at the top left and follow the prompts until it’s complete.

Below are the basic questions asked in the form.

We only use your info to process your service call.   We never sell, trade, give or in any other sense share your information with anyone. 

1) Service Location
Are you East or West of Central Ave in Phoenix?

2)  Residential or Business
Is this a Business or Residential Request?

3)  HVAC Vehicle #
Confirms the System has a vehicle available.

Next you can see the Calendar with all available days in highlighted blue.  Click on the Date that will best work for you.  Note: dates that are displayed in grey are not available   

Add your personal information (Name, Address etc.) on the top right.  Please enter the information correctly so we can contact you for the necessary service updates.

Last we’ll need some information about the services you need performed so we can schedule a service tech and vehicle that will best compliment your service type.

Four of the questions are the simple multiple-choice type.  The other 2 require very little or no typing at all.  (see images below)

PLEASE NOTE: During busy times there may be no choices at all .  If is ever the case we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.   

If this is an urgent situation, emailing us is the fastest way to get in front of our eyes, we promise to do our best to contact you and get you service as soon as possible. 


We sincerely hope this brief explanation helped you decide to try our automated service request system.  If something is still not clear to you or you have suggestions, please write me at SunStateHVAC-Webmaster or call our office at the number below.    if you have any helpful suggestions, all good constructive criticisms will be taken seriously and added to this Web-page, non-constructive comments will be ignored.   Thank you, Webmaster.
If you prefer,  feel free to call our number
below or click the email link to contact us.


Available from 8:00 AM – 4:00PM daily

Sun State HVAC Are People Who Care

Sean Gresin


Mark Gresin

madi answers the phone, schedules and is general office manager
Office Manager

Dorena Gresin
Office Manager


Rob Simone


Steven Ward
Residential Tech

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